Critics say that the government should take a stand against distribution of the pills in light of reports that recipients are being told not to take other medicine 批评家说政府应该反对分配这样的药片因为据说分到药片的人被告知不能服用另外任何的药片
Is it possible to ignore the way in which any work of narrative distributes rewards and punishments at its conclusion and take a stand against the suggestion that this distribution represents poetic justice 它是否可能忽略记叙文中的赏善罚恶,并且只在结论采取反对立场的建议,这种作法代表诗意正义吗?
There is the potential for turmoil in the currency markets , either because europe takes a stand against the rising euro at the group of seven finance ministers ' meeting on october 19th , or because international investors , who have to finance the american trade deficit , become alarmed by the weakness of the dollar 在外汇市场潜在着动荡,这或是由于欧洲在10月19日七国财长会上反对欧元上升,或是由于那些为美国国际贸易赤字融资的国际投资人对美金疲软产生警觉。
" her low key efforts to benefit animals reach far beyond the initiative of her former father - in - law , prince philip , " who in modern times was the first member of the british royal house to take a stand against the killing of leopards for fur , according to silke berentahl of the animal rights group peta 爱护动物组织peta的silke berentahl女士说:她对动物权益所做的默默贡献,更甚于她的公公菲利普亲王在初创时期所做的。菲利普亲王是近代英国王室中反对猎豹以取其毛皮的第一人。